The physical design process produces a set of layout files, which describe the position of cells, and routes for the interconnections between them. The layout is subject to constraints like area, power, and performance. Physical design of ASICs is the process of transforming the circuit description into the physical layout.
Next Batch – 24/March/2025
4 months
Physical Design Engineer interact with the design team to solve the problems and also to propose new ideas,collaborate with the Design Automation team, to prototype, construct, modify and evaluate semiconductor devices and components.
1. Logic Gates
2. Boolean Algebras, Boolean Expression and K-Map
3. Combinational Circuits:Adders, Subtractors, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer, Encoders, Priority Encoder, Decoders, Comparator, and converters.
4. Sequential Circuits: Latches, Flip-Flops, Registers and Counters
Module Test and Mock Interview
1. Introduction to MOSFET
2. CMOS Inverter and its characteristics
3. Fabrication Process, Stick Diagrams and Layout
4. Second Order Effects
Module Test and Mock Interview
1. Basics
2. Terminologies, Types of Network Elements
3. Assignments
4. Ohm’s law, Resistors, KCL and KVL Assignments Capacitors, Inductors and RC Circuits
Module Test and Mock Interview
1. Introduction to STA
2. Inputs and Outputs of STA
3. Terminologies in STA
4. Timing Path Groups
5. Clocks
6. Timing Exceptions
7. PVT conditions, OCV, CRPR and Problems
8. Timing Reports and fixing the timing violations
Signal Integrity
Module Test and Mock Interview
1. PD flow
2. Design setup
3. Floor planning
4. Defining the chip/die/core area
5. Placing the pin or IO placement
6. Macro placement
7. Adding blockages/defining the placement and routing blockages
8. Power Planning
9. Placement
10. CTS
11. Routing
Module test and mock interview